Pan Caribe Tours

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Pan Caribe Tours, the most well-informed tour operator/wholesaler for Trinidad and Tobago with 23 years experience, offers the full range of packages available on both these beautiful islands.

Carnival Packages Nature Lovers Adventure Travel
SCUBA Packages Hotel / Air Packages Contact Us

Trinidad and Tobago, the southernmost islands in the Caribbean chain, are united under one national banner but couldn't be more different from each other.  Trinidad, a kaleidoscopic whirl of energy and culture, is the reputed birthplace of Carnival, the unparalleled extravaganza celebrated annually with its famous steelband and costume competitions and imitated in a hundred cities around the world. Bustling with shopping centers, art galleries, steelband and calypso music, restaurants and nightlife, Trinidad has become the discerning traveler's dream vacation.
Tiny Tobago, 21 miles away, is the peace-seeker's idyll with pristine beaches, over 30 unpolluted reefs, small fishing villages, and friendly locals. Visitors to Tobago discard their watches and instead, watch birds or giant manta rays, depending on whether they enjoy hiking or snorkeling. Wildlife is rich and abundant in Tobago's rain forest, with bird species alone numbering over 189, many unique to this tiny paradise.  Because Tobago was once part of the South American continent, it contains much flora and fauna not found anywhere else in the Caribbean.
Savvy visitors seek the best of both islands.  Pan Caribe Tours, dedicated to the preservation of the natural environment and the indigenous culture, can meet all your needs for either island with their specialties which include:
, Carnival, Hotel/Air, Nature, and Scuba.

Phone: 1-800-525-6896 USA & CANADA * 1-512-266-7995 Fax: 1-512-266-7995
E-mail: Mail: P.O. Box 3223 Austin, TX 78764

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